What is Mangalik Dosha or Kuja Dosha?
Mangalik Dosha, also known as Kuja Dosha or Mars Dosha, is a celestial alignment that occurs when the planet Mars is placed in specific houses of an individual's birth chart. The 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th houses from the Ascendant or Moon sign are considered when determining the presence of Mangal Dosha. If Mars occupies any of these houses, the person is said to have Mangal Dosha.

Effects of Mangalik or Kuja Dosha in one's Life:-
The presence of Mangalik Dosha is often associated with potential challenges in one's life, especially in matters of marriage and relationships. Individuals with Mangal Dosha may experience
•Delays or obstacles in finding a compatible life partner
•Conflicts within the marital relationship
How to cure the Manglik Dosha in Kundli?
Mangalik Dosh Puja emerges as a remedy to alleviate the malefic influence of Mangal Dosha. This sacred ritual is designed to appease the planet Mars and seek its blessings, aiming to counteract the Dosha's adverse impact.
Benefits of Mangalik Dosha Puja:-
•Provides stability in both personal and professional life
•Removes obstacles in the way of success
•Induces rational thinking and calms a person
•Relief from other malefic effects of planet Mangal and to attain his blessings
How to perform Mangalik Dosha Nivarana Anushthana?
•Visit the Website www.kashidarshana.com and Book your Puja.
•Our Vedapandits will find the best time for performing the Puja.
•Your Puja will be performed live with all the rituals by our Vedapandits.
•The prasad for the Puja will reach your home.
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